Now how to keep Safe your contact number before phone lost, stolen or getting format.

Now how to keep Safe your contact number before phone lost, stolen or getting format.

Hello friends, Welcome to all of you in my blog, 
All of you must have encountered the problem of missing your phone as well as lost contact number, if your phone is stolen or lost.  So when this happens you have to face a lot of problems.
And many times one has to call and ask friends or relatives.  In such a situation, you often feel embarrassed.
But after reading this blog of today, all your problems will be solved.

All these methods will be applicable only on Android and Apple Smartphone devices.

All of you will have a smartphone in which you will be using WhatsApp and many other apps and all these things are linked to your Gmail account.

And along with this, many more information and documents are attached to it.

Many of our information is private and necessary.  The most important in this is your contact number and information related to the bank.  So today we talk about contact numbers.  How to keep it safe so that it can be brought back even if the phone is stolen or lost.

Today I will tell you some tips and tricks that you can use to keep safe your contact number easily.

Now I am telling you some Easy steps to bring back your contact number.

First Situation- 

When your phone is lost or stolen.

First of all, get your phone stolen or lost reported to the police station.
Here the request will be sent to the concerned telecom company to stop the services of your SIM.
few chance to get back your contact number on this Situation.

Step 1.- 

You should always log in to your phone with a Gmail account.  This will make it easier to track your phone. and your number can also be retrieved easily.

Step 2.-
To get a new SIM for that number, contact your telecom operator and submit an application.  Which will give you a new sim. By doing this, there is more chance of your contact number coming back.

In this situation, your lost mobile, SIM and the save number in it will not be returned.  But you will get help in getting your number back in future.

Second Situation- 

When your mobile is formatted without backup.

When this happens, when your phone is fully formatted, then when your mobile is turned on again, you should login with the same Gmail account, which was login before the Gmail id.  By doing this, there is more chance of your contact number coming back.

Step 1.-

First of all you should login with the same Gmail Account, which was login before the Gmail id.

If you forget your gmail id's or Password you should  change the id or password by doing forget password in login screen.
And try to login again.

When you logged in, in your device, Then follow and do the Next Step.

Step 2.-

Go to contact app on your device from app list, then click on setting and go to contact display, and find your gmail account and click it to see your contact number. 
get back to contact list and check your number is now backed.

Third Situation.- 

How to protect your contact number  Before the mobile is stolen, formatted or lost.

All of you must have encountered the problem of missing your phone as well as lost contact number, if your phone is stolen or lost.  So when this happens you have to face a lot of problems.
And many times one has to call and ask friends or relatives.  In such a situation, you often feel embarrassed.
follow below steps to keep safe your contact number.

Step 1.-

First of all you should login Your Device with the Gmail Account.
When you logged in, in your device, Then follow and do the Next Step.

Step 2.-
Whenever you save your number, select your Gmail Account in the default contact storage. After this, whenever you save the number, it will be saved in your account, which you can login to your account and see your number anywhere. 

Whether you have your first smartphone device or not.

After doing this, you can relax and save the number of anyone, 

Now whenever your device is stolen, lost or formatted, then there is no need to panic to find your contact number.

Now fully Relax For Your Contact Numbers When You done the Above steps.



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